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Festivals And Celebrations

At Temple Beth El South Orange County, we celebrate the Jewish holidays with style. Following are descriptions of just a few of our holiday events. Check the Celebrate and the calendar section of this web site for specific upcoming events. 

Sukkot, In preparation for Sukkot, temple families come together to build and decorate the Sukkah. On Erev Sukkot, we hold a family service, either outside or in the synagogue, followed by a bring-your-own picnic dinner in the Sukkah. Click here to see what's going on for Sukkot this year at TBESOC.

Simchat Torah, One week after Erev Sukkot, we hold a traditional Simchat Torah service, during which new students and kindergartners of our Religious School are consecrated, or welcomed into the religious school community. Click here to see what's going on for Simchat Torah this year at TBESOC.

Chanukah, On the Friday night that falls during Hanukkah, a special Chanukah family service is held. Children of the congregation read special passages as we light the candles. We also conduct a group naming during which children are given their Hebrew names. A Temple-wide “Latkapalooza” Chanukah party, sponsored 
by the Religious School Parents Club, is also held, usually on the Sunday
during Chanukah.

Tu Bish’vat While we do not hold a special service for Tu BiSh’vat, our Religious School students do participate in a family-oriented ritualistic seder, similar to the Passover seder. They also plant seeds in small pots to plant at home.

Purim Purim at Temple Beth El SOC is a festive event for all ages. We celebrate with a Tot Purim Service for our youngest members, and celebratory Purim Service and Show for the older children. During the service, we read from the Megilah, making sure everyone makes plenty of noise at the mention of Haman’s name. Our Purim Show is a grand production with an impressive cast of characters (culled from the membership). The story of Queen Esther is told with flair — one year it was set in the sixties; another it was Motown. We also hold our annual Purim Carnival on the Sunday prior to Purim. 

If you are helping read from the megillah, use these resources to prepare:

Morning Blessings by Cantor Young (mp3) Megillah Trope Esther Trope 1 Esther Trope 2

Pesach, Temple Beth El has held an Annual Congregational Passover Seder. Check the Temple E-Talk Newsletter for up-to-date information or call the Temple office to inquire at 949-362-3999 ext 100.

Yom HaShoah, Yom HaShoah, also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day, is commemorated through a variety of programs and services connected to our Religious School as well as our Adult Education program. Click here to read more about how we are commemorating Yom HaShoah.

Yom Ha’atzma-ut, At Temple Beth El, we celebrate Israeli Independence Day with special prayers and songs during our weekly Friday night service.

Shavuot Tradition dictates that one of the main ways that we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot is by spending the night in study of Torah. Reflecting that tradition, our practice at Temple Beth El SOC is to gather on Shavuot Eve and study through the night. We also come together for Conservative style services on both the first and second days of Shavuot. Our second day service includes the opportunity to remember loved ones during the Yizkor service. 

Tishah B’Av, On the eve of Tishah B’Av, we hold a healing service for the purpose of mourning, of healing, of growing and rejoicing both as individuals and as a congregation.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784