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Purim - March 6, 2023

Schedule of Events
Mishloach Manot


Purim is coming: it is a joyous holiday that affirms and celebrates Jewish survival throughout history. With celebrations including costumes, noisemakers, skits, songs, and gifts of food, Purim is definitely full of fun! Haman accused the Jews of being “a scattered and divided nation.” Thus, it has become a custom in our tradition to send gifts to each other to show that we are not divided, but united.

Please join us this year in sending Mishloah Manot to your friends and community here at TBESOC. Mishloah Manot (Hebrew: משלוח מנות pronounced "mish-LOH-ach mah-NOTE,", literally, "sending of portions"; also spelled Mishloach Manos and sometimes shortened to shalach manos, or in English, Purim basket), are gifts of food and/or drink that are sent to friends, relatives, neighbors, and any other acquaintances on Purim day.

The mitzvah of giving Mishloah Manot comes from the Book of Esther. It is meant to ensure that everyone has enough food for the Purim feast held later in the day, and to increase love and friendship among Jews. Traditionally you are to provide two ready to eat foods in your packages so you can recite two different blessings.

When you send Mishloach Manot through TBESOC, you are supporting the future of the Jewish people through education. We started this fundraiser last year through the Center of Jewish Learning and raised close to $6,000 from your generosity! We were able to make major improvements to our ECC yard and we purchased and amazing new block set in addition to bringing an amazing art specialist to CJL! Your contribution to this gift is a double mitzvah!

Chag Purim Sameach – Happy Purim!


Purim 2023 begins the evening of March 6th
with community celebrations on March 3rd & 6th 

Schedule of Events

Monday, March 6th, 2023

5:00pm Traditional Community Megillah Reading

Join our TBESOC community as we read the whole Megillah alternating chapters between Hebrew and English.
Drinks provided by Men’s Club

5:30pm Religious School Happy Hour

Enjoy a cocktail with other religious school parents during a special Happy Hour (during the last 30 minutes of religious school).

6:00pm Community Dinner (Click here to RSVP)

A community meal is one of the many mitzvot of Purim, join us for a free community dinner for all ages! RSVP Required.
Please contact Michelle Onufer or Lisabeth Lobenthal if you are interested in sponsoring the community meal.

6:30pm Abridged Community Megillah Reading

Join us for the highlights of our wonderful Purim story told through song and rhyme!

7:15pm Mordechai on the Roof The Musical

A hilarious Purim production told through the theme and music of Fiddler on the Roof. Directed by Ilana Rogel Wieder, Music Direction by Diane King Vann, Choreographed by Ellen Prince, and featuring a multigenerational cast. Drinks will be served. To watch online, please click here .

Tuesday, March 7th

10:00 am – TBESOC joins Congregation B’nai Israel for Conservative Purim Morning Service & Megillah Reading. Followed by lunch.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784